The Sage Advisor
- Preface
- Introduction
- Common Sense
- Critical Life Decisions
- The Temporal Perspective
- Work, Success, and Achievement
- Sleep
- Health and Bodily Wellbeing
- Food and Eating
- Love, Romance, and Marriage
- Sex
- Family
- Important Skills and Knowledge
- Money and Personal Finance
- Friends
- Books
- Children
- Divorce
- Drugs and Alcohol
- Hobbies, Recreation, and Pleasure
- Travel and Vacation
- Education
- Identification, Documents, and Saving Things
- Legal Affairs
- Lying and Deceit
- Religion
Sage Advisor is intended to be an evolving source of generic and pragmatic wisdom. It is not intended to provide individualized advice based on your particular life circumstances, specific capacities, or your genetic uniqueness. Sage Advisor is intended to inspire thoughtful and reasoned adoption of personal life rules, so called "directives" that will, on average, and over time, facilitate happiness. Sage Advisor is evolving in the sense that it will be continually revised by its creator, Rex Julian Beaber, based on community input and reconsideration of its content. The initial chapters, including Preface, Introduction, Common Sense, Critical Life Decisions, and The Temporal Perspective, will be narrative discussions designed to orient you to the later chapters that give direct advice in various subject areas. Each advice chapter, beginning with Work, Success, and Achievement, will include a narrative introduction followed by a listing of particular directives of living. Readers are encouraged to engage in and post commentaries based on their own views. You can enter your post for a particular chapter at the very end of the chapter. Alternatively, you can post your commentaries on the Home Page. Postings that are merely advertisements, or are irrelevant to the site, will be deleted. The site creator will attempt to respond to good faith commentaries, and will modify the text when commentaries suggest useful improvements.
Sage Advisor is not a substitute for psychotherapy, physician guidance, individualized legal and business advice, or other professional sources of guidance and counseling. Understand that the best of wisdom must periodically fail because life is indeterminate and chance plays a profoundly significant role in everything we do.
The short test found in the Wisdom IQ chapter is designed to measure your Wisdom IQ, that is, your WQ (Wisdom Quotiient). The answers and scoring of the test are found in the section entitled Wisdom IQ - Scoring. While this test has not been validated by scientifically acceptable standards, it should provide you with a reasonable indication if you are on the road to happiness and success, or dysphoria and failure.