

“A human being is not, in any proper sense, a human being till he is educated.”  Horace Mann.  One of the most important differences between homo sapiens and “lower” species in the phyla is how much must be done after birth to prepare humans for survival.  After its metamorphosis and emergence from its cocoon, a butterfly is virtually ready for all of its life functions within seconds.  In sharp contrast, in a modern society, it would not be unusual for a person to spend seventeen years in school before cultural readiness could be declared.  We are not hardwired, and the potential for post-conception programming makes our capacity for adaption and creativity virtually limitless.  This being said, learning can be filled with drudgery and psychological pain.  It’s not surprising that many flee from the arms of formal education as soon as the state will set them free.  Therefore, true education must first free man from the chains of ignorance, and then free man from his educators.


1.  Don’t go to school (college) to discover yourself or to find an occupation; rather go to college with a specific career objective in mind.

2.  At college or university don’t major in the following subjects:  History, English, art, sociology, music, political science, ethnic studies, or psychology unless you know that you must major in these subjects to pursue your chosen career (e.g., the career line of history professor).  Pursue these areas as minor or elective courses.  Major in areas that emphasize occupational skills and preparation like mathematics, all of the sciences, engineering, computer science, nursing, pharmacy, accounting, and business.

3.  Pursue two different areas of study in college and study them intensely (e.g., computer science and journalism).  Make sure one of your majors is quite practical in terms of job possibilities.

4.  Avoid private, expensive schools (unless your career objective is politics or marriage to the wealthy) and go to good, inexpensive public universities.

5.  Go to college with the intent of doing superbly; study very hard, study before playing, and distribute your studying over the entire semester rather than cramming.  Plan to do all required reading three times (slowly) before exams.  Finish all term papers well before the end of a semester.

6.  Try to distribute your hard and difficult course work evenly, such that, no given semester is overly easy or hard.  When in doubt, conquer difficult courses first, rewarding yourself with easy courses later.

7.  Choose professors to talk to and ask them questions that indicate you’re thinking beyond the scope of the lectures and text.  Study beyond just getting good grades; struggle to deeply understand.

8.  Cultivate friendships with faculty in the discipline closest to your future occupation.

9.  Avoid fraternities, political groups, religious groups, etc. that will distract you from excellence in your course work.

10.  Use recreational drugs (alcohol, grass, etc.) only on weekends and only after your allocated work is finished.  Save these as self-rewards.

11.  Avoid outside jobs when in college.  Better to live poorer and use the time to study, think and grow.

12.  Throughout school, from grammar school to college or trade school, compete against yourself, or a high standard; not against siblings and friends.

13.  Don’t’ go to college to please your parents.  If you can’t see college as aiding you in your goals, then go to work.  Likewise, don’t go to college for social approval of peers.  There are many interesting forms of education out in life and the work world which are just as important.

14.  Do what ever is necessary to graduate from high school.

15.  In either junior high school or high school, take a course in typing; it’s an invaluable tool.

16.  Use high school and junior high as a time to explore different careers or academic futures.  Take a good variety of courses.  This is a good time to do some volunteer work or part time work to get exposed to different areas.

17.  Avoid the junior high and high school trap of spending all your time trying to get your friends’ approval.  Keep a separate identity.

18.  No matter what your occupational goals, use junior high and high school to master arithmetic skills, especially to solve “word problems.”

19.  Make friends with at least two teachers and two students at your school.

20.  Don’t get a job to buy a car while in high school, unless you are planning to not go to college.  On the other hand, if you’re not going to college, then get a car and a job as soon as possible.

21.  High school should be thought of as your last chance to be a child; have fun, don’t work too hard, prepare your mind for the next step, which is hard work.

22.  Take advantage of your junior high and high school clubs, gym, etc. to find a sport you like.

23.  Parents should avoid helping their children with their homework.

24.  Parents should avoid trying to control their children’s major or subject choices.  Share your opinion and reasons once or at most twice and then drop the subject.

25.  Parents should never punish a child for their academic grades.  Parents should give brief verbal (not monetary) rewards for good grades.

26.  Parents should not control whether, when, or how their children will do homework.

27.  Parents should convey a belief to their children that they can do well if they’ll try hard.  Parents should convey a belief that children are bright.

28.  Parents should offer their children a musical education before age 9.  They should encourage the playing of instruments; but must let the child choose the instrument and kind of music.  Reward practice and push lightly.

29.  Parents should not support their child through college unless their child’s performance is very superior.  Each semester’s support should depend on performance during the last semester.  Parents of more limited income should not feel obliged to pay for their children’s college education.  If your child doesn’t respond thankfully for college aid, discontinue it.

30.  Don’t send your child to a religious private school for their general education.

31.  When studying:  Study for 20 minutes and then take 10 minute rest breaks, repeating this cycle until several hours have passed, and then take a ½ hour rest break.  While studying, give 100% concentration, while resting, do something fun and rewarding.

32.  Have a special place, at home or in a library, where you study; try to do nothing but studying there.  Use this place as a sanctuary.