
BACKGROUND:  The background information below is provided to you, such that, you may have a better understanding about the experiences and training of Dr. Beaber that may have influenced his approach to the subject of wisdom and guidance.  This being said, there really is no specific training that insures the value of "wisdom", and, indeed, it is quite possible that the highest levels of wisdom are achieved without any formal training.




University of California at Los Angeles School of Law: J.D. (1988) Order of Coif ; Editor, U.C.L.A. Law Review; Judge, UCLA Moot Court Honors Program (Fall 1988); American Jurisprudence Awards: Civil Procedure, Criminal Procedure, and Constitutional Law II

University of Southern California: Ph.D. Clinical Psychology. William Randolf Haynes Doctoral Fellow (Program approved by the American Psychological Association)

University of Southern California: M.A. Clinical Psychology. National Institute of Mental Health Training Fellow; United States Public Health Stipend Recipient.

University of California at Los Angeles: B.A. Summa Cum Laude Psychology, Woodrow Wilson Fellow Nominee (nomination declined)


Shareholder: Greenberg Traurig [i]

General Outside Counsel:

Adjunct Professor of Law (PT): Pepperdine University School of Law

Trial & Litigation Attorney: Weissburg and Aronson Inc. Los Angeles, CA

Trial & Litigation Attorney: Mitchell, Silberberg & Knupp, Los Angeles, CA

Litigation Attorney: Sidley & Austin, Los Angeles, CA

Law Extern (1987): The Honorable Irving Hill - U.S. District Court

Law Extern (1986): The Honorable Harry Pregerson - U.S. Court of Appeals (9th Cir.)

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Medicine (FP): U.C.L.A. Medical School (Four years-Full Time)

Fellow: Institute of Law & Psychiatry, U.S.C. Medical School (One year-Full Time)

Post-Doctoral Fellow of the National Institute of Mental Health at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry (L.A.) (One year-Full Time)

Intern: Long Beach Veterans Administration Hospital (One year-Full Time)

Intern: Children's Hospital (University of Affiliated Projects, L.A.)


Consultant to private counsel regarding: contractual and testamentary capacity, jury selection, techniques of cross examination of experts, strategic issues of trial practice, pain and injury, mens rea issues (primarily in murder and sex crimes), admissibility of scientific evidence, polygraph validity, custody, eye witness identification, and capitol sentencing.

Consultant: Ventura, Riverside and San Bernardino District Attorneys, American Civil Liberties Union, Los Angeles Public Defender, and California State Bar.

Member, by judicial appointment, of the Los Angeles & Ventura Superior Court Panels.


Member, The U.S. Supreme Court Bar, the California State Bar, the Bar of U.S. District Court (All Cal. Districts), the Bar of U.S. Court of Appeals (9th Cir.)

Diplomate in Forensic Psychology; American Board of Forensic Psychology.

Diplomate in Clinical Psychology; American Board of Professional Psychology.

License: Issued originally by: California Board of Medical Quality Assurance  (Psychologist - Inactive)

Licensed: Issued by: California Board of Behavioral Science Examiners. (Counselor - Inactive)

Member: National Arbitration Panel of the American Arbitration Association

Certification: Family Mediation Training (40 hours - Forrest S. Mosten)


Beaber, RJ: Stress and other scapegoats . NEWSWEEK, April 4, 1983

Beaber, RJ: At Last, A Cure For The New Years Resolution , New York Times, 1-1-88

Beaber, RJ: Perspective On Law Enforcement: Encounters of the Ambiguous Kind , Los Angeles Times, 8-11-95.

Beaber, RJ: Health Law Perspectives: HIV Positive Surgeons Must Tell Their Patients ,
Health Systems Review, September 1993.

Beaber, RJ: High Court's Right-to-Die Dilemma: A Triumph for Bodily Autonomy Puts Doctors on the Spot , Daily Journal 8-6-93. See also M. Kadzielski and R. J. Beaber, Thor's Thunderbolt , Los Angeles Lawyer, October 1993

Beaber, RJ: A Functional Model For Legal Services Will Profoundly Reduce Legal Fees ,  (Accepted 12-7-90), National Law Journal

Beaber, RJ: How to shrink attorney fees , National Law Journal, 12-31-90; also published in  Los Angeles Daily Journal, 1-25-91.

Beaber, RJ: Patients, Doctors Are Too Busy Denying Death to Rush Into Suicide ,
Los Angeles Time, 6-13-90.

Beaber, RJ: We Must Find a Way Soon to Get More Organs Donated .
Los Angeles Times 1-14-86

Beaber, RJ: Are We Emotional Robots ? Los Angeles Times, 3-1-85

Beaber, RJ: The Pathology of Evil . Los Angeles Times, 1-6-85

Beaber, RJ: On Huberty, and the Beast in All of Us . Los Angeles Times, 10-11-84

Beaber, RJ: We Have an Obligation to Plan for Our Deaths . Los Angeles Times, 10-11-84

Beaber, RJ: Ethical Issues Confound Notions of Law . Los Angeles Times, 7-12-84

Beaber, RJ: Olympics: Not Just Matter Over Mind . Los Angeles Times 6-6-84

Beaber, RJ: How to Stop the Child-Care Molesters . Los Angeles Times, 4-4-84

Beaber, RJ: A Mystery in Life is Just How Lucky We Turn Out to Be .
Los Angeles Times, 10-11-83

Beaber, RJ: The Social Contract Hangs by a Thread , Los Angeles Times, 5-1-92
(reprinted in Daily Journal)

Beaber, RJ: Experts can't predict what criminals will do . Herald Examiner, 1-3-84

Beaber, RJ: Another Prison Death: Do We Care? Los Angeles Times, 5-4-83

Beaber, RJ: Sacramento's poorhouse: Definitely not Dickensian .  Herald Examiner, 5-13-84

Beaber, RJ: Can Lie Detectors Be Trusted To Tell The Truth? Los Angeles Times, 2-14-83

Beaber, RJ: Will Our Once-Underemployed Minds Make Us Underemployed? Los Angeles Times 1983

Beaber, RJ: Court Leaves Abortion Right Undiminished , Los Angeles Times, 5-28-91; Reprinted: Daily Journal, 6-7-91

Beaber, RJ: Foreword, The Givers and the Takers by B. Feld, MacMillan Press, 1983

Beaber, RJ: Motorcyclists must give up phony rights . Herald Examiner, December 28, 1988

Beaber, RJ: Dual Sovereignty Sham: Doctrine Allowing Double Jeopardy Should Be Revoked , Daily Journal 7-28-93

Beaber, RJ: Experts on the Bench: High Court Rings Out Era of Scientific Democracy , Daily Journal 7-2-93.

Beaber, RJ: Bypassing The Second Amendment: Constitution Permits States To Abolish A Citizen's Right To Own A Gun , Daily Journal, 7-2-92

Beaber, RJ: 'Scientology' Case Reveals Practical Lesson , Daily Journal, 4-20-92.

Beaber, RJ: AIDS and Irresponsibility , Daily Journal, 1-17-92.

Beaber, RJ: Truth Duels Rarely Have Winners , Daily Journal, 10-18-91.

Beaber, RJ: Modern Litigators Need A Uniform Universal Response , Daily Journal, 7-25-91.

Beaber, RJ: The Limits Of Respect For Precedent: High Court Justices Offer Divergent Theories On Overruling Prior Cases , Daily Journal, 7-8-91.

Beaber, RJ: Toxic Tort Quagmire: The California Supreme Court's Unjustified Fear of Cancerphobia , Daily Journal, 1-5-94.

Beaber, RJ: Undue Fear of CERCLA Liability is Costly , Daily Journal (L), 11-5-93.

Beaber, RJ: Respect for the flag must be earned . [First Amendment Commentary], Daily  Journal, 7-14-89.


Beaber, RJ: Custody-Quagmire, some psycho-legal dilemmas .  American Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 1982.

Beaber, RJ et al: A brief test for measuring malingering in schizophrenic individuals .  American Journal of Psychiatry, 142:12, 1985

Beaber, RJ: Cognitive Function and Age at Repair of  Transposition of the Great Arteries, New  England Journal of  Medicine 311:920-21, October 4, 1984

Beaber, RJ: Underdiagnosis of hypochondriases in family practice . Psychosomatics 25(1), 1984

Beaber, RJ: Family physicians' Personality: MMPI correlates of an objective test of medical  knowledge . Family Practice Research Journal, 4(4):234-239, Summer 1985

Beaber, RJ, et al: Psychotherapy consultation and referral : An overview of available modalities. Continuing Education for the Family Physician, 20(7) 513-22, March 1985

Beaber, RJ: Family physician recognition of psycho-social problems: Some differential sensitivities . Family Medicine Research Journal, 2(1): 4-10, 1982

Beaber, RJ: Not guilty by reason of polygraph University of West Los Angeles Law Review, March 1984

Beaber, RJ, et al: Personality correlates in faculty ratings of resident competence . Journal of  Medical Education, 57(7) 569-74, 1982

Beaber, RJ: The de-specialization dynamic Family Medicine 13(4), 25-26 July/August 1981

Beaber, RJ: The use of hypotheticals in judicial settings . Presentation to the American Psychological Association.

Miller N, Maruyama J, Beaber RJ, Valone K: Speed of Speech and Persuasion Journal of  Personality and Social Psychology, 34:615-623, 1976.

Rodney WR, Beaber RJ: Maximizing patient care services to improve funding in a family medicine residency Journal of Medical Education 59:567-572, July 1984

Quan M, Beaber RJ: Quantitative life ratings: A method for detecting psychopathology Family Practice Research J. 5(2), Winter 1985

Beaber, RJ: The Punitive Damages Dialectic (The Future of Civil Punishment), Whittier Law Review, Vol. 16 No.4 (1995)

Chun, H. & Beaber, RJ: A Report And Proposal Regarding Attorneys' Fees ; California Section of the State Legislation Committee; State Legislation Forum; Vol. 1.
March 1992.

Beaber, RJ: Cases of Note, ABTL Report, Vol XIII No. 3 (1991)

Goldman, J. & Beaber, RJ: Settlement: An Unsettled and Unsettling Question for the Ninth Circuit, ABTL Report, Vol. XII No. 1 (1989).


Beaber RJ: Psychotherapy Overview. Paper presentation at the California Medical Association Meetings, 1983.

Beaber RJ: The Use of Hypotheticals in Court. Paper presentation: 1981  American Psychological Association

Davis, Beaber, Anderson et al. The evolution of ethical standards: mandated changes in ethical conduct. Paper presentation: 1979  California State Psychological Association Meeting.


The following cases involve some discussion or ruling on testimony offered at trial by Rex Julian Beaber.

Daniels v. Woodford , 428 F.3d 1181 (9th Cir. 2005)

People v. Daniels , 52 Cal. 3d 815, 277 Cal. Rptr. 123 (1991)

People v. Anderson , 52 Cal. 3d 453, 276 Cal. Rptr. 356 (1990)

People v. Lang , 49 Cal. 3d 991, 264 Cal. Rptr. 386 (1990)

People v. Bass , 147 Cal. App. 3d 448, 195 Cal. Rptr. 153 (1983)

People v. Salas , 106 Cal. App. 3d 396, 165 Cal. Rptr. 82 (1980)

United States v. MacDonald , 640 F. Supp. 286 (E.D.N.C. 1985)


Judge, UCLA Moot Court Competition (2005), Chief Judge (2011)

Selected By The U.S. Judicial Commission Of The United States Supreme Court As A 1991-92 Judicial Fellow (Declined)

Nationally Broadcasted Debate: RJ Beaber v. F. Lee Baily ; “Should lie detectors be used in criminal proceedings?”

Nationally Broadcasted Interview with Bryant Jennings for the Evening News

Locally Broadcasted Interview with Bill Stout for the Evening News regarding the President's executive order on polygraph testing

Commendation For Bravery (Resolution of the Los Angeles City Council (1989))

Debate: Miller's Law on Court TV (with Arthur Miller of Harvard Law School)

Commentator (Channel 9 News) Regarding Legal & Psychological Issues In The O.J. Simpson Murder Case

Commentator (Retained by CBS) “The Night Stalker” A & E Biography (Aired  Nationally in 2004 and 2005)

Commentator, "TalhotBlonde", winner of the Seattle International Film Festival Documentaries

Publications Referencing Opinions, Views, or Conduct of Rex Beaber

Quoted: “Up in Arms over Crime” Time Magazine 8 Apr 85

Quoted: “Dying to be Thin” People Magazine 10/30/2000

Quoted:  “Behavior: Low Profile For A Legend: Bernhard Goetz” Time Magazine 10/21/1985

Quoted: “Rabbi vs. Rabbi “ Jewish Journal 3/22/2002

Quoted:   Paul Braverman, Firm Anxiety , The American Lawyer, July 18, 2001

[i] Paul Braverman, Firm Anxiety , The American Lawyer, July 18, 2001.